In this activity you will learn to connect to a SQL database using Java and the JDBC classes. JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) is a low-level, not particularly object-oriented mechanism for accessing a database, on top of which other systems (e.g. Hibernate ORM) can be built.

JDBC Interfaces

The JDBC classes live in the java.sql package. Most methods on these classes can throw a SQLException which is a checked exception, meaning your code won't compile if you don't handle it. For simple programs, this means wrapping in a RuntimeException to terminate the program if something goes wrong:

try {
    // do stuff with JDBC
} catch (SQLException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

Two comments on this pattern:

  1. In a real program e.g. web server, you of course do not want to take the server down whenever an individual method causes an error. Here you need to do something like log the error, and display an error message to that particular caller (e.g. HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) while keeping the rest of the server running. How you achieve this depends on which libraries or frameworks you are using.
  2. Most JDBC work will actually take place in try-with-resources blocks, which work the same as far as exception handling is concerned but have an extra bracketed term immediately after the try.


A resource is something that you need to close exactly once when you are done with it, but only if it got properly opened in the first place. For example, in C heap memory is a resource: you acquire (open) it with malloc, and when you are done you must call free exactly once on the memory, except if malloc returned NULL in the first place (allocation failed) in which case calling free is an error. (You do check your malloc return value for NULL, don't you?) It is also an error to call free twice on the same memory, and it is a memory leak not to call it at all.

In Java, we don't have to manage memory by hand, but there are other kinds of resources:

  • Files.
  • Network connections.
  • Graphics objects in some drawing/window systems.
  • Database connections.

To help manage these, Java provides an interface java.lang.AutoCloseable with a single method void close() and the try-with-resources construction:

try (Resource r = ...) {
    // do things with r here

As long as the resource implements AutoCloseable (it's a syntax error to use this pattern otherwise), this pattern guarantees that

  1. If the initialisation statement (in the round brackets) fails, either by returning null or throwing an exception, then the block will never be executed.
  2. If the initialisation succeeds, then when the block exits, r.close() will be called exactly once, whether the block reached its end, exited early (e.g. return statement) or threw an exception.

A try-with-resources block can, but does not have to, include one or more catch statements, in which case they apply to the block, the initialisation statement and the implied close().

You can also include more than one resource in the try statement by separating them with semicolons inside the bracketed term.

Earlier versions of java used the finally keyword to achieve something similar, but it was more challenging to get right especially if the close function could also throw an exception. Since Java 7, try-with-resources is the correct pattern to use and you should almost never need a finally block. You can implement AutoCloseable on your own classes to support this.

Opening a connection

You open a connection by calling

try(Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(connection_string)) {
    // do stuff with connection
} catch (SQLException e) {
    // handle exception, for example by wrapping in RuntimeException

The connection string is a string containing a URL such as


When you try and open a connection, Java looks for a driver on your classpath that implements the addressing scheme (e.g. mariadb) that you have requested. This makes setting up the classpath a bit tricky, but we have maven to manage that for us.

However, we need to understand a bit about networking and security to make sense of that URL.

In a traditional database set-up, the database lives on its own machine (or cluster of machines) and applications connect to it over the network. To do this, by default, databases listen on TCP port 3306.

For security reasons, a competent adminstrator will set things up so that there is a firewall preventing access to the database from any machines except those of applications (and possibly developers and administrators), the database machine will certainly not be available directly from the internet. Then, applications will also need a username and password to connect to the database. Since these passwords are used by applications, and do not need to be remembered by humans, there is absolutely no excuse for choosing weak ones: the absolute minimum is something with 128 bits of entropy. Computers have no problems remembering something this long! In this case you add the extra pass= argument to the connection string, and to prevent passwords being sent unencrypted over the network (even if it's your internal network) you can also set up TLS or a similar tunneling technology.

Learning how to secure things takes time but doing things like long passwords and encryption by default is only a start. If you want to get clever you could muck about with behavioural checks so that if someone starts doing something they don't normally do it triggers logs. How are you going to spot when your database has been attacked? How are you going to tell when its being attacked but hasn't yet been broken in to? How are you going to get it back up and running before someone comes and yells at you?

Whilst the clever stuff is all fun and good an awful lot of this ultimately boils down to good old fashioned sysadmining. Backup everything regularly. Note what changes. Get your logs off the machine ASAP before they can be tampered with. Rotate your keys regularly because you can write a shellscript for it and whilst it make anything more secure it'll make a compliance person happy.

For a more complete guide to managing a computer, see any of Michael W Lucas's books.

On our VM, when you set up mariadb by default, the database server and client are both running on the same machine, so you can gain both security and performance by not using a network connection at all - instead when you type mysql it connects over a POSIX socket, another special type of file (type s in ls -l), in this case /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock. A POSIX socket is like a pair of pipes in that it allows bidirectional, concurrent communication between different processes, but with an API closer to that of a network (TCP) socket.

The point of all this discussion is that for your VM, your connection string will look like this (all on one line with no newlines):


The localSocket option overrides the host/port at the start. For this to work, you need the mariadb driver and a library called JNA (Java Native Access) on your classpath, and of course your system needs to support sockets.

The more standard connection string for a TCP connection would look like this:


Which really does connect to TCP port 3306 on localhost.

You can configure this on your VM if you wanted to: the main mariadb configuration file is /etc/my.cnf which in our case just contains a statement to include all files in the /etc/my.cnf.d/ folder; in there we have mariadb-server.cnf which contains the lines


Remove the last line and restart the server (systemctl restart mariadb) and then your mariadb server (mysqld) will really be listening on port 3306.

We didn't notice this with the console client mysql because that by default tries the socket first, and then port 3306 if the socket doesn't exist. However the JDBC driver will only try exactly the options you give, and if you don't tell it to use the socket, it will try port 3306 and throw and exception if nothing is listening there.

POM file

Under code/jdbc/ in this unit's repository you can find a minimal JDBC application that uses the elections database. Download this to your VM with wget (or get it from the unit repository, if you have cloned it there) and extract it to an otherwise empty folder (tar -xvf jdbc-example.tar). It contains a file pom.xml and a file src/main/java/org/example/Example.java.

In the POM file, we note the following dependencies:


The first one is the mariadb JDBC driver. When maven runs a program, it automatically puts the dependencies on the classpath; if you left this off then creating the Connection would throw an exception.

The other two are the JNA (Java Native Access) libraries for your platform, that the driver uses to connect to a POSIX socket. If you left these off, the driver would ignore the localSocket option, try to connect to port 3306, and throw an exception because there is nothing listening there (unless you have configured it).

  • Run mvn compile in the folder with the POM file to download the dependencies and compile the example program.
  • Run mvn exec:java to run the program. This uses the exec-maven-plugin configured later in the POM file to launch the program with the main class org.example.Example and the correct classpath. It should print out a list of parties.
  • If you want, you can use mvn package to build two JAR files in target: one is just the compiled example class, but the more interesting one has jar-with-dependencies in its name and contains the compiled class and all dependencies, namely the JDBC mariadb driver and JNA (and all their dependencies). You can run this jar with java -cp jdbc-example-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.example.Example without using maven if you want to. This file is built by the maven-assembly-plugin which we have also configured in the POM file.

SQL from Java

In the Example.java class, we can see an example of JDBC in action:

private void readData(Connection c) {
    String SQL = "SELECT id, name FROM Party";
    try (PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement(SQL)) {
        ResultSet r = s.executeQuery();
        while (r.next()) {
            int id = r.getInt("id");
            String name = r.getString("name");
            System.out.println("Party #" + id + " is: " + name);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • The SQL command goes in a string. If we wanted to add parameters for a prepared statement, we put question marks here.
  • We create a PreparedStatement in another try-with-resources block: we need to close statements as soon as we are done with them, but it's ok for a program to keep the database connection open for as long as it runs.
  • In this case, we have no parameters to pass, so we execute the query to get a ResultSet, a "cursor" (a kind of iterator) on the results. (A ResultSet is also a resource, but it closes automatically when its statement closes, so we don't have to handle this ourselves.)
  • We iterate over the rows of the result and do something with them, in this case printing to standard output.
  • All these operations can throw an SQLException, so we catch it at the end, and because this is just a small example program, we handle it by throwing an exception to terminate the whole program.

Result Sets

Java is an object-oriented language with a compile-time type system: if you declare that a class Person has a field int age, then the compiler will stop you from ever trying to put a string in there. JDBC cannot offer you this level protection because when you compile your Java program, you don't know what tables and fields exist in the database (even if you do know, someone could change them after the program has been compiled). So you have to fall back to some more C-like patterns for using the database.

A result set can either be pointing at a row in the database or not. If it is pointing at a row, you can read values with the get... methods. If the result set is not pointing at a row, then trying to read anything throws an SQLException. The rules here are:

  • When you get the result set back, it starts out pointing before the first row, so reading immediately would throw an error.
  • Calling boolean next() tries to advance a row. If this returns true, then you have got a new row and can read from it; if you get false then you have stepped beyond the last row and it would be an error to read. (If there are no rows in your result at all, then the first call to next() will already return false.)

The correct pattern to use the result set is normally a while loop, as each time you land in the loop body you're guaranteed to have found a row:

while (r.next()) {
    // we have a row, do something with it

There are however a couple of exceptions to this pattern. First, some statements like select count(...) will always return exactly one row - maybe the value in the row will be zero, but that's not the same thing as no row at all - so in this case you can do

if (r.next()) {
    // this should always happen    
} else {
    // this should never happen
    // throw an exception or something

It would still be an error to access the one row before calling next(), and we are not the kind of people who ignore return values from API calls.

Another special case is if you want to do something special with the first row:

if (r.next()) {
    // if we get here then there was at least one row
    // we're on the first row and can do something special with it
    do {
        // this block will be called exactly once for every row
        // including the first one
    } while (r.next())
} else {
    // if we get here then there were no rows at all

The do-while loop lets us write a block that is called exactly once for every row, while still letting us do something special with the first row without needing an ugly boolean isFirstRow flag or something like that.

Inside a result set, as long as we're sure we're on a row, we can read values from columns by declaring their name and type:

int id = r.getInt("id");

This tells JDBC that there is a column named id of type int, and to get its value. (You get an exception if the name or type are wrong.) Other methods include getString, getDouble etc.

For this reason, in your SQL statement, you want to be clear about the names and order of the colums you're fetching:

  • If a column is something more complicated than a field, then give it an alias, e.g. SELECT COUNT(1) AS c then you can do getInt("c").
  • Never do SELECT * from JDBC, always list exactly the columns you need. This both fixes the order you get them in, and is more efficient if you don't need all of them.

Exercise 1

Modify the example program so it takes a party ID as a parameter, and displays only that party's name, or the string "No party with this ID." if there isn't one in the database.

To do this you will have to change the following:

  • main reads a parameter off args, or prints an error message if you didn't pass an argument.
  • main passes the parameter as an extra int argument to readData.
  • Set the parameter as a question mark in the prepared statement, and then bind the parameter to the statement.

The command for binding a parameter is s.setInt(pos, value) where pos is the index of the parameter (question mark) in the string, starting the count at 1 not 0. So you simply want s.setInt(1, value). Of course there are also setString etc. and these methods on the statement take a second parameter of the appropriate type.

The easiest way to run your command with a parameter is to build a jar with dependencies and then to call java -cp JARFILE MAINCLASS PARAMETERS, any further command line parameters to Java after the main class get passed as arguments to this class.

Exercise 2

A service is a piece of code that can be called by other code and typically accesses resources for them. This exercise is about writing a DataService that abstracts away the JDBC access for the rest of your program.

Create the following classes in their own files (you can use private fields with public constructors/getters/setters if you prefer):

public class Party {
    public int id;
    public String name;

public class Ward {
    public int id;
    public String name;
    public int electorate;

public class Candidate {
    public int id;
    public String name;
    public Party party;
    public Ward ward;
    public int votes;

Now, write a class DataService with the following description:

  • DataService implements AutoCloseable. It has one public constructor that takes a connection string and creates a Connection using this string, which it stores in a private field. The close() method closes the connection.
  • A method public List<Party> getParties() that returns a list of all parties in the database, by using JDBC on the provided connection.
  • A method public Party getParty(int id) that returns the party for this id, if there is one, otherwise null.

These methods should handle all possible cases (e.g. getWards must still work if there are no wards in the database). but they should not throw an SQLException. Instead, make your own exception class called something like DataServiceException derived from RuntimeException (this can be an inner class of DataService if you want) and wrap the SQLException in that.

This is not an excuse for sloppy programmers to ignore the exceptions, by the way!

Now, adapt the Example program so that

  • The main program uses the DataService and the domain classes (e.g. Party) and doesn't know about JDBC directly.
  • If you pass an id as a parameter, it fetches the party with this id (if there is one) and displays party information from the Party instance.
  • If you don't pass an id, it displays the list of all parties.

The DataService class is a resource, and it opens a connection in its constructor and closes it when you close the instance. This is a standard pattern and works perfectly if the programmer using it uses it in a try-with-resources block.

However, someone could create an instance, close it manually, and then try to continue using it, which would cause a SQLException on the connection. To handle this case by programming defensively, you could:

  1. In the close method, set the connection field to null after closing it as a sign that this instance has been closed.
  2. In all other methods, check that the connection field is not null first thing in the method and throw and exception if it is (you can write your own private method for this). According to Java conventions, the correct exception to throw in this case is a java.lang.IllegalStateException which means roughly you are calling a method at the wrong time - in this case after closing the resource in question.

Exercise 3

Implement a Candidate getCandidate(int id) method on the data service too. This will require you to use a JOIN in your SQL and to create instances of all three domain classes.