More modelling
Using what you have learnt so far about relational modelling, think about and discuss in groups how you would model a university database to store student's academic progress, such as units enrolled on and completed, marks obtained etc. based on your understanding of how the University of Bristol works. For example, a unit can have different assessments with different weights. You will of course also need a Students
table, and you can make the model more involved if you like by including that different students are on different degree programmes, and that sometimes students have to resit units.
You should end up with a more detailed version of the model briefly shown at the top of the previous page - if you have the time you can make both an ER diagram and a create/drop script.
This is also a good point to mention another fact of how marks and credit points work: exam boards. At the end of each academic year around May, your unit directors all report their marks for each student to an exam board, which sits and decides on final marks and awarding credit. For example, an exam board can moderate the marks for a unit. This is why you do not get your exam marks until a long time after the exam has happened, even if it's a multiple choice exam that can be marked automatically: the marks still have to go through an exam board. (There is another, smaller exam board around the start of Teaching Block 2 so you don't have to wait until summer for your January exam marks to be released.) If you want to model this in your schema, the idea here is that a student has two marks associated with each unit: the "actual mark" (the input to the exam board) and the "agreed mark" (the one that comes out of the board and goes on your transcript). Of course, for most students most of the time, the two are the same. Your schema will need to store "agreed marks" explicitly, but there are ways of doing the model that does not store the "actual mark" directly. Think about how you could recompute it from other information in the database - we will of course learn how to do this in SQL in a later activity.
The key idea in relational modelling is not to store information more than once if you can avoid it. If you have stored in several places that Fred is taking Introduction to Programming, and then Fred switches his units, you don't want to end up with a situation where this change is only reflected in some parts of the database.