HTML5, officially introduced in 2014, is the language for writing websites nowadays.

It gets rid of a lot of historical annoyances and inconsistencies from previous versions of HTML and XML and contains a lot of new standard tags and attributes for features that individual sites had built with JavaScript or Adobe Flash in the past. For example, HTML5 has a <video> tag for a consistent way to include videos that work across different platforms and without plug-ins, and a standard way of writing a date picker or "calendar" widget.


HTML516 minutesslides
HTML elements9 minutesslides


For the web part of the unit, we will be reading some of the documentation on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) for some workshops, to complement the videos and exercises.

These pages are pitched at a lower level of technical expertise than CS students, so you should get through them very quickly. Many of them also contain interactive examples to try out. If your future career involves web development, you will be consulting documentation like the MDN HTML reference guide a lot - for example, to read through all the attributes you can put on a form tag.

Please read the following pages for this workshop, as well as watching the videos.
