
Here is a quick overview of what happens when the application loads and you click first South West then Details.

You should look at the mentioned code snippets as you follow along and make sure you understand what they do.

The first screen

  1. When you open localhost:8000 in your browser, a HTTP request for / goes to the Java server. If there were a controller configured for this URL pattern, it would now fire, but there isn't so spring falls back to serving src/main/resources/static/index.html if it exists as this is by convention the default file name to show. This file does exist, so it gets sent to the browser.
  2. This file came from client/build/index.html which is the compiled version of client/public/index.html. There is not much to see here except a <div id="root"> which is where the React application will be loaded (the necessary script tags get added when React compiles the file). If you watch the network tab when you open localhost:8000 you will see requests for several css and js files, followed by a request of type fetch for E92000001 which is the React app loading the country data to show.
  3. When the React scripts on the page load, it runs the compiled version of the code in client/src/App.js. The App.render() method creates the navigation bar at the top (this is a standard Bootstrap component) and two custom elements called OverView and UnitView (in their own files), passing along some state. The initial state of the app is set in its constructor.
  4. Once the component is loaded, the OverView.componentDidMount() function fires. This just delegates to _fetchData(). Here we fetch the country data: App.state.overview starts out at country and App.state.overviewCode starts out at E92000001. These are passed as props to the OverView, with names of type and code, which are referenced in the fetch() call in componentDidMount. The effect is to send off a request for http://localhost:8000/api/country/E92000001.
  5. You can (and should) paste the above URL in a new browser tab, and you will see some JSON as a result. On the server side, the request is handled by the CountryController.getCountryById function (in src/main/java/uk/ac/bristol/cs/application/controller) as the path is declared in its @GetMapping annotation.
  6. The CountryController first calls getWithChildren on the repository.CountryRepository. This is just an interface - the implementation is provided by Hibernate, automatically triggered by Spring - but the important part here is the @Query annotation that explains the extent of the data to fetch. This is HQL, Hibernate's query language, and we tell it to fetch not only the country but also all its regions.
  7. This returns an instance of model.Country which is more or less a simple Java class with properties name, code and Regions. Hibernate is in charge of creating the instances and the JPA annotations such as @OneToMany explain how it should process JOINs to fetch data from other classes (such as the regions).
  8. Back in the controller, the next thing we do is render the country as JSON. We will discuss later why we are doing it this particular way, but the code is in model.ModelClass.renderJSON so it can be reused for different classes.
  9. The JSON object now gets sent to the client. If you queried the URL yourself in a new tab, you just see the JSON at this point. If React queried it with fetch(), it can now check - back in OverView._fetchData() - whether the call was successful, and if so run this.setState({loaded: "yes", item: result}) to store the object in its state (the previous call to r.json() decoded the JSON to a JS object, which is now in result).
  10. The setState causes react to call render() which, now that this.state.loaded is yes, renders a the country information including a list of regions, pulled from this.state.item which is where the decoded JSON object is stored.

Click on one of the region entries. The following happens:

  1. The link (actually a button styled as a link, for accessibility reasons) has a click handler onClick={() => this.navigate(i.code, false)} (created in OverView.children(), where i is the item to navigate to, e.g. the region).
  2. OverView.navigate calls App.navigate through this.props (the App passes a reference to its own navigate method when it creates the OverView).
  3. App.navigate contains a state machine that decides, based on the current state (are we viewing a country, region, county or ward) and the isParent flag (are we navigating to a child or returning to the parent) what type of object we are navigating to. The only option when we are coming from the country view is a region, so this is set up correctly with setState and the code of the new item is set in the app state.
  4. This state change causes App.render to run, which changes the props on the overview component.
  5. The props change causes OverView.componentDidUpdate to be called with the old props for comparison (the new ones are already in this.props). If there has been a code change, then we (a.) immediately set the state back to "not loaded", which triggers a render() call and (b.) call _fetchData(), which asynchronously loads the new data and eventually calls setState again, triggering another render() this time with the new data.

Exercise: Return to the countries view using the Back to parent link, then shut down the Java server (so that futher API calls will fail). Then click on a region. You should immediately see a "Loading ..." message, followed around a second or so later by "Network error". Explain, with the help of the OverView code, how this happens.

Details View

Exercise: based on what you have learnt above, sketch the steps that happen when you click on Details to display the occupation data for the selected geographic unit. Look at both the client and the server code. The server-side methods start in StatisticsController.